Running Python


Marie-Hélène Burle

There are many ways to run Python interactively. For this workshop, you have two options:

Use your own machine

If you have installed Python 3.7 or greater and the packages NumPy, Matplotlib, scikit-image, pandas, Xarray, you can simply run this workshop on your machine, either directly in the Python shell or, if you also have Jupyter, in JupyterLab.

Use our temporary JupyterHub

If you don’t have the required software on your machine, this is the easiest solution.

Log in to the JupyterHub on our training cluster

These are the only values that you should edit:
Change the time to 7.0

  • Press start.

Note that, unlike other JupyterHubs you might have used (e.g. Syzygy), this JupyterHub is not permanent and can only be used for this course.

If you don’t need all the time you asked for after all, it is a great thing to log out (the resources you are using on this cluster are shared amongst many people and when resources are allocated to you, they aren’t available to other people. So it is a good thing not to ask for unnecessary resources and have them sit idle when others could be using them).

To log out, click on “File” in the top menu and select “Log out” at the very bottom.

If you would like to make a change to the information you entered on the server option page after you have pressed “start”, log out in the same way, log back in, edit the server options, and press start again.

Start a Python notebook

To start a Jupyter notebook with the Python kernel, click on the button “Python 3” in the “Notebook” section (top row of buttons).