Version control for data science & machine learning with DVC


Marie-Hélène Burle

December 12, 2023

On version control

I won’t introduce here the benefits of using a good version control system such as Git

On the benefits of VCS

Extending Git for data

While Git is a wonderful tool for text files versioning (code, writings in markup formats), it isn’t a tool to manage changes to datasets

Several open source tools—each with a different structure and functioning—extend Git capabilities to track data: Git LFS, git-annex, lakeFS, Dolt, DataLad

Extending Git for models and experiments

Reproducible research and collaboration on data science and machine learning projects involve more than datasets management:

Experiments and the models they produce also need to be tracked

Many moving parts

*hp = hyperparameter

data1 data1 model1 model1 data1->model1 model2 model2 data1->model2 model3 model3 data1->model3 data2 data2 data2->model1 data2->model2 data2->model3 data3 data3 data3->model1 data3->model2 data3->model3 hp1 hp1 hp1->model1 hp1->model2 hp1->model3 hp2 hp2 hp2->model1 hp2->model2 hp2->model3 hp3 hp3 hp3->model1 hp3->model2 hp3->model3 performance performance1 ... performance27 model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model1->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model2->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance model3->performance

How did we get performance17 again? 🤯

Enters DVC

DVC principles

Large files (datasets, models…) are kept outside Git
Each large file or directory put under DVC tracking has an associated .dvc file
Git only tracks the .dvc files (metadata)

Workflows can be tracked for collaboration and reproducibility

DVC functions as a Makefile and allows to only rerun what is necessary


For Linux (other OSes, refer to the doc):

  • pip:

    pip install dvc
  • conda

  • pipx (if you want dvc available everywhere without having to activate virtual envs):

    pipx install dvc

Optional dependencies [s3], [gdrive], etc. for remote storage

How to run

  • Terminal

    dvc ...
  • VS Code extension

  • Python library if installed via pip or conda

    import dvc.api

In this webinar, I will use DVC through the command line


Code and data for this webinar modified from:

The project

tree -L 3
├── data
│   ├── prepared
│   └── raw
│       ├── train
│       └── val
├── metrics
├── model
├── requirements.txt
└── src

Initialize Git repo

git init
Initialized empty Git repository in dvc/.git/

This creates the .git directory

git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Untracked files:

Initialize DVC project

dvc init
Initialized DVC repository.

You can now commit the changes to git.

You will also see a note about usage analytics collection and info on how to opt out

A .dvc directory and a .dvcignore file got created

Commit DVC system files

DVC automatically staged its system file for us:

git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Changes to be committed:
    new file:   .dvc/.gitignore
    new file:   .dvc/config
    new file:   .dvcignore

Untracked files:

So we can directly commit:

git commit -m "Initialize DVC"

Prepare repo

Let’s work in a virtual environment:

# Create venv and add to .gitignore
python -m venv venv && echo venv > .gitignore

# Activate venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Update pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Install packages needed
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Clean working tree

git add .gitignore LICENSE requirements.txt
git commit -m "Add general files"
git add src
git commit -m "Add scripts"
git status
On branch main
Untracked files:

Now, it is time to deal with the data

Tracking data with DVC

Put data under DVC tracking

We are still not tracking any data:

dvc status
There are no data or pipelines tracked in this project yet.

You can choose what to track as a unit (i.e. each picture individually, the whole data directory as a unit)

Let’s break it down by set:

dvc add data/raw/train
dvc add data/raw/val

This adds data to .dvc/cache/files and created 3 files in data/raw:

  • .gitignore
  • train.dvc
  • val.dvc

The .gitignore tells Git not to track the data:

cat data/raw/.gitignore

The .dvc files contain the metadata for the cached directories

Tracked data

We are all good:

dvc status
Data and pipelines are up to date.

Data (de)duplication

Link between checked-out version of a file/directory and the cache:

Cache ⟷ working directory
Duplication Editable
Reflinks* Only when needed Yes
Hardlinks/Symlinks No No
Copies Yes Yes

*Reflinks only available for a few file systems (Btrfs, XFS, OCFS2, or APFS)

Commit the metafiles

The metafiles should be put under Git version control

You can configure DVC to automatically stage its newly created system files:

dvc config [--system] [--global] core.autostage true

You can then commit directly:

git commit -m "Initial version of data"
git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Track changes to the data

Let’s make some change to the data:

rm data/raw/val/n03445777/ILSVRC2012_val*

Remember that Git is not tracking the data:

git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

But DVC is:

dvc status
    changed outs:
            modified:           data/raw/val

Add changes to DVC

dvc add data/raw/val
dvc status
Data and pipelines are up to date.

Now we need to commit the changes to the .dvc file to Git:

git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
    modified:   data/raw/val.dvc

Staging happened automatically because I have set the autostage option to true on my system

git commit -m "Delete data/raw/val/n03445777/ILSVRC2012_val*"

Check out older versions

What if we want to go back to the 1st version of our data?

For this, we first use Git to checkout the proper commit, then run dvc checkout to have the data catch up to the .dvc file

To avoid forgetting to run the commands that will make DVC catch up to Git, we can automate this process by installing Git hooks:

dvc install

Now, all we have to do is to checkout the commit we want:

git log --oneline
94b520b (HEAD -> main) Delete data/raw/val/n03445777/ILSVRC2012_val*
92837a6 Initial version of data
dd961c6 Add scripts
db9c14e Initialize repo
7e08586 Initialize DVC
git checkout 92837a6

The version of the data in the working directory got automatically switched to match the .dvc file:

dvc status
Data and pipelines are up to date.

You can look at your files to verify that the deleted files are back

Git workflows

git checkout is ok to have a look, but a detached HEAD is not a good place to create new commits

Let’s create a new branch and switch to it:

git switch -c alternative
Switched to a new branch 'alternative'

Going back and forth between both versions of our data is now as simple as switching branch:

git switch main
git switch alternative


Classic workflow

The Git project (including .dvc files) go to a Git remote (GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket/server)

The data go to a DVC remote (AWS/Azure/Google Drive/server/etc.)

DVC remotes

DVC can use many cloud storage or remote machines/server via SSH, WebDAV, etc.

Let’s create a local remote here:

# Create a directory outside the project
mkdir ../remote

# Setup default (-d) remote
dvc remote add -d local_remote ../remote
Setting 'local_remote' as a default remote.
cat .dvc/config
    remote = local_remote
['remote "local_remote"']
    url = ../../remote

Commit remote config

The new remote configuration should be committed:

git status
On branch alternative

Changes not staged for commit:
    modified:   .dvc/config
git add .
git commit -m "Config remote"

Push to remotes

Let’s push the data from the cache (.dvc/cache) to the remote:

dvc push
2702 files pushed

With Git hooks installed, dvc push is automatically run after git push

(But the data is pushed to the DVC remote while the files tracked by Git get pushed to the Git remote)

By default, the entire data cache gets pushed to the remote, but there are many options

Example: only push data corresponding to a certain .dvc files

dvc push data/raw/val.dvc

Pull from remotes

dvc fetch downloads data from the remote into the cache. To have it update the working directory, follow by dvc checkout

You can do these 2 commands at the same time with dvc pull

Tracking experiments

DVC pipelines

DVC pipelines create reproducible workflows and are functionally similar to Makefiles

Each step in a pipeline is created with dvc stage add and add an entry to a dvc.yaml file

dvc stage add options:

-n: name of stage
-d: dependency
-o: output

Each stage contains:

  • cmd: the command executed
  • deps: the dependencies
  • outs: the outputs

The file is then used to visualize the pipeline and run it


Let’s create a pipeline to run a classifier on our data

The pipeline contains 3 steps:

  • prepare
  • train
  • evaluate

Create a pipeline

1st stage (data preparation):

dvc stage add -n prepare -d src/ -d data/raw \
    -o data/prepared/train.csv -o data/prepared/test.csv \
    python src/
Added stage 'prepare' in 'dvc.yaml'

2nd stage (training)

dvc stage add -n train -d src/ -d data/prepared/train.csv \
    -o model/model.joblib \
    python src/
Added stage `train` in 'dvc.yaml'

3rd stage (evaluation)

dvc stage add -n evaluate -d src/ -d model/model.joblib \
    -M metrics/accuracy.json \
    python src/
Added stage `evaluate` in 'dvc.yaml'

Commit pipeline

git commit -m "Define pipeline"
    changed deps:
            modified:           data/raw
            modified:           src/
    changed outs:
            deleted:            data/prepared/test.csv
            deleted:            data/prepared/train.csv
    changed deps:
            deleted:            data/prepared/train.csv
            modified:           src/
    changed outs:
            deleted:            model/model.joblib
    changed deps:
            deleted:            model/model.joblib
            modified:           src/
    changed outs:
            deleted:            metrics/accuracy.json
[main 4aa331b] Define pipeline
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 data/prepared/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 dvc.yaml
 create mode 100644 model/.gitignore

Visualize pipeline in a DAG

dvc dag
+--------------------+         +------------------+
| data/raw/train.dvc |         | data/raw/val.dvc |
+--------------------+         +------------------+
                  ***           ***
                     **       **
                       **   **
                    | prepare |
                      | train |
                    | evaluate |

Run pipeline

dvc repro
'data/raw/train.dvc' didn't change, skipping
'data/raw/val.dvc' didn't change, skipping
Running stage 'prepare':
> python src/
Generating lock file 'dvc.lock'
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'

Running stage 'train':
> python src/
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'

Running stage 'evaluate':
> python src/
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'
Use `dvc push` to send your updates to remote storage.

dvc repro breakdown

  • dvc repro runs the dvc.yaml file in a Makefile fashion

  • First, it looks at the dependencies: the data didn’t change

  • Then it ran the commands to produce the outputs (since it is our first run, we had no outputs)

  • When the 1st stage is run, a dvc.lock is created with information on that part of the run

  • When the 2nd and 3rd stages are run, dvc.lock is updated

    At the end of the run dvc.lock contains all the info about the run we just did (version of the data used, etc.)

  • A new directory called runs is created in .dvc/cache with cached data for this run

Results of the run

  • The prepared data was created in data/prepared (with a .gitignore to exclude it from Git—you don’t want to track results in Git, but the scripts that can reproduce them)

  • A model was saved in model (with another .gitignore file)

  • The accuracy of this run was created in metrics

Clean working tree

Now, we definitely want to create a commit with the dvc.lock

We could add the metrics resulting from this run in the same commit:

git add metrics
git commit -m "First pipeline run and results"

Our working tree is now clean and our data/pipeline up to date:

git status
On branch alternative
nothing to commit, working tree clean
dvc status
Data and pipelines are up to date.

Modify pipeline

From now on, if we edit one of the scripts, or one of the dependencies, dvc status will tell us what changed and dvc repro will only rerun the parts of the pipeline to update the result, pretty much as a Makefile would

Going further … next time

DVC is a sophisticated tool with many additional features:

  • Creation of data registries

  • DVCLive

    A Python library to log experiment metrics

  • Visualize the performance logs as plots

  • Continuous integration

    With the sister project CML (Continuous Machine Learning)