Emacs as a programming IDE

Marie-Hélène Burle

November 14, 2023

I am not trying to start an editor war here


Particularly as there are now excellent IDEs for Python, Julia, and R without Emacs learning curve (think VS Code, RStudio, or JupyterLab)

Why I still use (and love) Emacs


Fully customizable

Kbd for everything

Org mode (org tables!)

Organization of windows

Search and replace with regexp


Emacs everywhere (emails, Slack, Telegram with mu4e, emacs-slack, telega)


Searching in buffer

Navigating open buffers and recent files

Navigating file sections

Selecting from kill ring

Moving in mark ring

Looking at active modes



Undoing/redoing with undo-tree

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Have some file

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make some edits

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make more edits

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make more edits

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Can undo

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" ")):::current---3((" "))---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Undo some more

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Can redo

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))-.-4((" ")):::lost
   3((" "))---5((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px
   classDef lost stroke-dasharray: 3 4

Make new edits

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current-.-4((" ")):::lost
   3((" "))---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px
   classDef lost stroke-dasharray: 3 4

Can still undo

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" ")):::current---3((" "))-.-4((" ")):::lost
   3((" "))---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px
   classDef lost stroke-dasharray: 3 4

Can still undo

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current-.-4((" ")):::lost
   3((" "))---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px
   classDef lost stroke-dasharray: 3 4

And can redo

Linear systems: classic undo/redo

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))-.-4((" ")):::lost
   3((" "))---5((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px
   classDef lost stroke-dasharray: 3 4

But some edits are forever lost

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make some edits

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make more edits

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make more edits

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

The first undo adds a new point to the chain of edits

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

More undoing keeps adding points to the chain

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

There is no redo: you stop undoing, then start again to undo the undo

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

You can make new edits

Nothing ever gets lost, but you might get headaches

Example: let’s go back to the starting point

Linear systems: Emacs

%%{init: { 'flowchart': {'rankSpacing':15} } }%%
flowchart TD
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make some edits

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make some edits

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make some edits

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px


Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" ")):::current---3((" "))---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px


Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" ")):::current---4((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px


Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" "))
   3((" "))---5((" ")):::current
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Make new edits

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" "))
   3((" ")):::current---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px


Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" "))---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" ")):::current
   3((" "))---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Switch branch and redo the old version

Non linear system: undo-tree

flowchart TD
   1((" ")):::current---2((" "))---3((" "))---4((" "))
   3((" "))---5((" "))
   classDef current stroke: #f96, stroke-width: 2px

Nothing gets lost and it is more sane to navigate the history

Emacs with Python

Emacs comes with a Python mode that provides syntax highlighting. For a full IDE experience, there are multiple options, the most popular of which being the elpy package

Code from matplotlib

Emacs with R

R is—as Emacs—GNU software and has been integrated with Emacs via the ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) package for a very long time

Emacs with Julia

The julia-mode package provides syntax highlighting and the julia-repl package implements a fully functional Julia REPL, optionally with the emacs-libvterm package

Code from Beautiful Makie

ESS also provides an IDE for Julia, but it does not allow for the funky Julia-specific REPL

Another sophisticated option is to use julia-mode with the julia-snail package